Alpine Avalanche


The 2022 season is off to a great start , a clutch of 12 eggs annectens have all successfully hatched out.

This first ever clutch fathered by my F1 Alpine ‘microscale’ X F3 Alpine Female sees the re-emergence of these ‘All White’ , gophers and the first introduction of the mysterious ‘microscale’ gene.

For historical context ,the name Alpine was initially given to this new snow phenotype as an obvious reference to Stark White and Snow , i.e. Alpine White/Alpine Snow. A perfect descriptive of the new F1 hatchlings , It also happens to contain my own name ‘AL’ , perfect ! ;).

As hatchlings , the F1 Alpine hatchlings were the regular pinkish background tones associated with Snow phenotypes , beside stark white. The eyes had a blueish tint when viewed from above and viewed in profile they appeared two tones of red/pink.

Once mature they become pale grey , the white become even more vivid (especially on the heads) and they lack any vivid yellows , the eyes changed quite drastically , dark red pupils with steel blue/silver iris’ , a Ruby eye Leucistic anyone ??


Now, lets get back to this latest clutch . . . .

Of the 12 hatchlings a small no. seem to have a uniquely different appearance , unlike the siblings, with the regular pinkish tones we talked about , these are ‘all white’. More accurately they could be described as white on a silver grey and this stood out immediately upon hatching.

Here is a few quick reference snaps , taken in different light to illustrate.

Super Alpine or Alpine Avalanche ( ALvalanche ) or Alpine White Out or Alpine Blizzard or even Alpine Lucy ?

Leave a comment below with your thoughts / choice or name for this new project !

For anyone interested in this new project , I will be making a limited no. of offspring available once sexed and established frozen/thawed feeders.


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